Lista de produtos da marca Aquaforest

Aquaforest was established in 1995. Initially it manufactured substrates and aquatic plants fertilizers for zoos, Aquariums and professional plant farms. A couple of years after the launch it started it's own aquatic plants, fish and corals farms. As the cultures grew, they realized that to expand further they needed their own sea salt, foods and supplements, as no supplier could match their requirements for the high quality products. And so the quest to create top-notch products for marine aquariums began. They started to invest heavily in research to create their own unique products. The results were so good and the products that they created worked so well, that they decided they could no longer keep them to themselves. They began to market them. At the beginning of 2011 they started the production of AQUAFOREST ™ products for retail customers. The entire range soon gained significant attention from shops and marine aquarists.

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